头条 52年前中国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”发射成功 52年前的今天,中国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”发射成功,中国探索宇宙奥秘的序幕由此拉开。仰望星空,北斗环绕,嫦娥奔月,神舟飞天!我们从未停止探索浩瀚宇宙的脚步!今天中国航天日,#一人一句祝福中国航天#!致敬中国航天人! 最新视频 孔祥辉:Large Stroke Magnetic Fluid Deformable Mirror with a Two-Layout of Actuators 孔祥辉:Large Stroke Magnetic Fluid Deformable Mirror with a Two-Layout of Actuators 发表于:8/9/2016 吴君华:新颖多功能光子-磁性纳米复合晶体的制备与应用 吴君华:新颖多功能光子-磁性纳米复合晶体的制备与应用 发表于:8/9/2016 柯文权:纳微米3D打印技术及其应用 柯文权:纳微米3D打印技术及其应用 发表于:8/9/2016 毕明朝:无基底电极驻极体旋转发电机 毕明朝:无基底电极驻极体旋转发电机 发表于:8/9/2016 柳洋:热式扫描探针纳米加工技术 柳洋:热式扫描探针纳米加工技术 发表于:8/9/2016 王忠旭:Design of a Plasmonic Lense Based on Varied Line-space Nano-scale Metallic Gratings for Bionic Polarization Navigation Sensor 王忠旭:Design of a Plasmonic Lense Based on Varied Line-space Nano-scale Metallic Gratings for Bionic Polarization Navigation Sensor 发表于:8/9/2016 张恺:电纺直写射流行为与喷射模式识别控制 张恺:电纺直写射流行为与喷射模式识别控制 发表于:8/9/2016 Mohmmad Hamidnia:Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Performance of Si Micro Heat Pipe with Different Cross-sections Mohmmad Hamidnia:Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Performance of Si Micro Heat Pipe with Different Cross-sections 发表于:8/9/2016 孙振元:A MEMS Based Electrochemical Seismometer with central Working Frequency under 1HZ and Ultra-low Self-noise 孙振元:A MEMS Based Electrochemical Seismometer with central Working Frequency under 1HZ and Ultra-low Self-noise 发表于:8/9/2016 李凤蓉:Design of Multiband Reconfigurable UWB Microstrip Antenna with MEMS Switches 李凤蓉:Design of Multiband Reconfigurable UWB Microstrip Antenna with MEMS Switches 发表于:8/9/2016 «…6789101112131415…»