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黄 振,柏正尧
云南大学 信息学院,云南 昆明650500
摘要: 目前,压缩采样系统主要有随机解调器、调制宽带转换器和多陪集采样3种,其中,多陪集采样的系统框架简单、重构成功率高,但用硬件实现时面临两个难题,一是低速模数转换器(ADC)的输入模拟带宽存在上限,二是难以实现各通道上的精准时延。借鉴调制宽带转换器在采样前先对输入信号进行预调制的思想,将预调制与多陪集采样结合,提出了预调制多陪集采样系统。采样前,在采样系统各通道上,由随机序列发生器产生周期单脉冲序列,对输入信号进行频谱调制以降低采样前信号的模拟带宽;然后,调制信号由低速ADC进行采样,且各通道上的低速ADC与随机序列发生器列共用同一个控制时钟;最后,采用多信号分类算法(MUSIC)算法近乎无失真地重构出输入信号。仿真实验结果表明,当以15%的奈奎斯特采样速率对输入信号进行压缩采样时,重构信号的均方误差仅为10-5量级。这验证了该采样系统的可行性,有效解决了多陪集采样系统的两个难题。
中图分类号: TN911
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 黄振,柏正尧. 预调制多陪集采样系统[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(4):48-52.
英文引用格式: Huang Zhen,Bai Zhengyao. Pre-modulated multi-coset sampling system[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(4):48-52.
Pre-modulated multi-coset sampling system
Huang Zhen,Bai Zhengyao
School of Information Science and Engineering,Yunnan University,Kunming 650500,China
Abstract: At present, the compressed sampling system mainly includes three sampling system: random demodulator,modulated wideband converter and multi-coset sampling, among them, the system framework of multi-coset sampling is simple and has a high reconstruction success rate. But, the multi-coset sampling faces two difficulties in hardware implementation, one is that there is an upper limit on the input analog bandwidth of the low-speed analog-to-digital converter(ADC), and the other is it′s difficult to achieve precise delays on each channel. This paper draws on the ideal of modulated wideband converter which the input signal is pre-modulated before sampling, proposes the pre-modulated multi-coset sampling system which combines pre-modulation with multi-coset sampling. Before sampling, the generate periodic single-pulse sequences is generated by a random sequence generator in each channel of the sampling system, and the input signal is spectrally modulated to reduce the analog bandwidth of the signal before sampling. Then, the modulated signal is sampled by the low-speed ADC, and each channel of low-speed ADC and random sequence generator share a same control clock. Finally, the multiple signal classification algorithm(MUSIC) is used to reconstruct the input signal without distortion. The simulation results show that the mean square error of the reconstructed signal is at the order of 10-5 when the input signal is compressed and sampled at 15% Nyquist sampling rate. This verifies the feasibility of the sampling system in this paper, and the sampling system effectively overcome the two problems of the multi-coset sampling system.
Key words : compressed sensing;multi-coset sampling;pre-modulated;MUSIC algorithm;modulated wideband converter

0 引言

    随着信息技术的不断飞速发展,学者在研究信号处理的前沿领域取得了卓越成就,随着对前沿信息技术探知的增加,虽然科技人员已研制出高性能的ADC,但现有最高采样速率的ADC仍无法满足学者们对更高频率的信号频谱及信号特征的研究,且采样速率超过1 GHz的商用ADC价格非常昂贵[1]。针对具有稀疏特性的信号,提出的压缩感知(Compressed Sensing,CS)理论[2-4]缓解了ADC采样速率的压力,实现对信号的采样和压缩同步进行,并删除了冗余信息,降低了数据运算量,缓解了硬件压力,然后再由重构算法实现从低维的压缩数据中重构出输入信号。

    目前,信号处理中的压缩采样系统[5-6]主要有随机解调器(Random Demodulator,RD)[7]多陪集采样(Multi-Coset Sampling,MCS)[1,6-8]调制宽带转换器(Modulated Wideband Converter,MWC)[1,6-7,9]3种采样系统。RD是单通道多音频模型的欠采样,对输入信号模型比较敏感,当信号是非线谱信号时,重构误差和重构计算量均较大,因此无法普遍适用于所有的宽带信号[1]。MWC采样系统是多通道均匀亚奈奎斯特采样,随着采样系统通道数的增加,使得产生各通道上非相关伪随机序列的难度成几何倍数地增加,同时伪随机序列的跳变速率不小于奈奎斯特采样速率。MCS是多通道周期非均匀亚奈奎斯特采样,通过调整各通道上的时延实现频域内不同权值的频谱裁剪,在硬件实现时各通道上的时延器很难产生理论中的理想时延,同时MCS在接收信号前未先进行低通滤波,导致ADC的接收输入模拟带宽必须不小于输入信号的模拟带宽。



黄  振,柏正尧

(云南大学 信息学院,云南 昆明650500)

